American History Project Guidelines

Mr. Cook

US History & Government


Overview:  Each ten weeks students are required to practice “doing history” by completing an American History Project.  Working as historians, students can choose from a long list of activities or create new projects of their own.


Process:  Students will by the end of the third week of a marking period choose a topic and begin the process. The process consists of the following steps:


  1. Choose or create a project/activity
  2. Complete a planning sheet
  3. Get approval for the project/activity
  4. Carry out research/activity
  5. Complete self assessment
  6. Hand in project or activity
  7. Get Feedback (score) 


Additional steps may be included during the planning process.


Grading:  This activity is a great way to help your classwork average. You will receive a grade for the process (x1) and a quality grade (x2).  The process grade consists of 40 pts for getting through step three by the end of the fifth week, 40 pts for completing the project completed by the end of the ninth week, and 20 pts for completing the self assessment.  The quality grade will be based upon the guidelines established on the planning sheet and will equal up to 100 pts.


Other Guidelines: 



 A list of ideas can be found on the back of this sheet. You are welcome to come up with your own ideas.  If you have trouble choosing, see Mr. Cook as soon as possible.  Get busy!





Here are some general ideas-


§      Historical research project on national, state, or local topic.  The product could be a short research paper, or result in one of the other products listed below.

§      Web page on historical topic

§      Powerpoint show on historical topic

§      Poster/display on historical topic

§      Performance Assessment Activity related to content.

§      Genealogy Project

§      Participation in Cemetery Project

§      Historic Movie/Book/Article critique

§      Participation in historical activity (w/product)

§      Attendance of Historical Society Program (w/product)

§      Completion of student web activity ( or comparable webquest or internet activity. 

§      Creation of American history study or review tool.


Some things to consider-


§      Find something that interests you.

§      Choose types of projects or activities that use your personal strengths.

§      Don’t always go for the “easy” – you may find more success at a more challenging project.

§      Be sure to get the necessary materials you need to complete the work.
If you are stuck on choosing a topic, see Mr. Cook.

§      Try to get the work done as early in the ten weeks as possible.